Fire Hazard Inspections Update
As of May 14, 2022, the Cordelia Fire Protection District (CFPD) hit its goal of 400 inspections in the District before the fire season intensifies. We are still performing reinspections, and for the most part residents are diligently working at cleaning up their properties. We have a few more inspections in pockets that we have missed. We will pick up again in Fall. This was our first serious effort to conduct more thorough inspections while providing educational material and advice to residents. Inspections have been done over the years by both the CFPD and Cal Fire, but not at the level taken this year.
These inspections took many, many hours of volunteer work by a number of folks including CFPD and Green Valley Fire Safe Council (GVFSC) volunteers. The core team was:
Bill Peters (community volunteer and retired horticulturist)
Chief Dave Carpenter (CFPD)
Dennis Wells (GVFSC)
Donald Morgan (GVFSC)
Glen Langstaff (CFPD)
Lisa Earle (GVFSC)
I wish to thank my colleagues for the selfless donation of time to support this effort for the greater good of our community.
This is not a one time effort, but something at which we will continue to work and to improve each year. Collectively we are seeking to make our community more fire hardened to provide our firefighters a chance at slowing fires down, saving more homes, and most importantly saving lives. Until you have inspected the sites of some of California’s worst fires in the last few years, it is impossible to overstate the importance of the above. The level of devastation and sorrow is hard to put into words.
If anyone has questions about how you can fire harden your home and/or property, or would like to request an inspection, please reach out to me or to the CFPD and we will be happy to assist. As larger fires happen in our general area, the CFPD will recommence its efforts to keep you informed through Nextdoor as in previous years. We understand the stress and anxiety you feel as fires occur, especially if evacuated. As such we will use our resources to keep you informed with the most accurate information possible from our State and County resources.
Be safe, be well,
CFPD Director Glen Langstaff