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Ribbon Cutting and Green Waste Event Mark Wildfire Preparedness Day

May contain: person, human, gravel, dirt road, and road

On Wildfire Community Preparedness Day (May 1) Cordelia Fire Protection District (CFPD) and Green Valley Fire Safe Council (GVFSC) gathered for a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the newly erected Fire Safety Bulletin Board on Rockville Road and Green Valley Road. The board will be used to post fire prevention and safety updates for Green Valley residents.

Officials from Cal Fire also were also on hand to discuss fire prevention strategies and distribute wildfire action plan information.

GVFSC president Rochelle Sherlock addressed the crowd and thanked the Council members, County officials, CFPD and other agencies involved in the collaborative effort.

The GVFSC also organized a Green Waste event where Green Valley and Rockville Road residents could drop off their green waste. The goal is to encourage residents to reduce wildfire risk and create defensible space around their homes by thinning dense vegetation and removing ladder fuels as well as dead and fallen trees. Creating defensible space gives fire fighters a better chance to protect property when threatened by wildfire.

Additional green waste drop off days are scheduled on May 24 and June 21. Advance registration is required. Learn more and register at

CFPD Fire Chief Dave Carpenter praised the efforts of the GVFSC for spearheading these events, helping to educate the public about fire safety, and supporting the community with the critical tasks necessary to reduce wildfire risk.