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Fire Safety

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The Cordelia Fire Protection District is comprised of 56 square miles of topography ranging from the Suisun Marsh, the mountain range separating Napa and Solano Counties and the Suisun Valley.  These areas present unique fire prevention opportunities, and one of the most challenging areas is the Green Valley and Rockville Hills regions.

May contain: plant, vegetation, and tree

The Green Valley and Rockville Hills regions are recognized as wildland-urban interface area.  These
wildland-urban interface areas are created when you mix the lush California-Mediterranean climate
of hot and dry summers coupled with residential living.  These areas are plentiful with combustible
vegetation (Manzanita, coyote brush, wild oats, oak trees).

In order to ensure responders are able to provide the fast and effective service the following
information has been developed:

  • Maintain vegetation abatement along the entire driveways length
  • Tree’s/Brush 30 feet on both sides and 14 feet overhead
  • Native grasses abated to a minimum of 4 inches
  • Remove dead leaves and brush
  • Native Grasses – Abate native grasses to a minimum of 4 inches in height.  The Cordelia Fire Protection District recommends whenever possible to completely abate native grasses to bare earth (disc or blade) which provides the highest level of protection.
  • Chimney – Abate overhanging tree’s within 10 feet of the chimney
  • Dead Tree’s/Brush – Chip and/or remove all dead vegetation on the property, these fuels only intensify a fire
  • Address Identification – Post 4 inch address numbers with contrasting background at the public roadway, and provide address numbers with directional arrows when more than 1 resident shares a common driveway.  This will greatly add emergency responders in time of need.
  • CalFire Homeowners Checklist

Annually the Cordelia Fire Protection District conducts Wildland Inspections throughout the Wildland-
Urban Interface exposure areas (Green Valley and Rockville Hills).  These inspections are conducted
between May and August, where written notification is provided to those property owners/tenants
where conditions are identified that warrant correction.  Follow-up inspections are scheduled to
ensure the hazards are adequately abated.